3D STL files

New version of the 3D encoder parts

LibreServo encoder assembly video

To know the position of the servomotor axis, LibreServo uses the AEAT-8800 16-bit encoder. This encoder replaces the potentiometer that the servomotors have and with it we get much more precision and allows the servomotor to rotate 360 degrees.

To achieve this, LibreServo makes use of a tiny 10.2x11.2 mm PCB to which a 3D printed part of the same size and shape as the original potentiometer is attached. This 3D printed part consists of 3 small parts, a 4x7x2mm bearing and a small 6x2.5mm diametrically magnetized magnet. Only a glue point is needed to fix the magnet. The rest of the parts, bearing and PCB are designed to be snap-fitted and fixed.